
SouthData's SmartConnect™ is a collection of WCF web services designed to integrate directly into applications developed by our software partners. This collection of web services contains commonly used methods ranging from querying order status information to the ability to accept and create orders directly through the web service. This allows SouthData’s software partners to provide one-click access to from within their application.

SmartConnect™ is a way for our partners to integrate and automate their print and mail services by adding the SmartConnect™ functionality to their existing software. In the increasingly technological age we live in, companies are constantly looking for ordering methods that offer greater speed and efficiency. Using the SmartConnect™ platform, SouthData’s partners can achieve a competitive edge.

For more information about how SmartConnect™ can help your company today, contact


Interested in integrating with SmartConnect™? We have detailed documentation that explains all the API methods and requirements in order to use the web service.

Download SmartConnect™ documentation

Software Key

Please note that in order to use SmartConnect™, you will need a unique Software Key that is required with every method call. SouthData will provide a Software Key used for initial development integration and a key for production with creating live orders.

To receive your Software Key, please email
